
白果腐竹薏米糖水 Gingko Barley Dessert


白果 : 400g (有壳)

水 : 350g
冰糖 : 100g
香兰叶: 4片

薏米 : 100g
水 : 1 至 2 公升
香兰叶 : 4片

腐竹 : 75g (撕成小片)

1) 把白果敲破, 去壳, 浸泡在水里, 去皮膜, 用竹签穿透去芯
2) 放进锅内, 加入材料2, 以中火煮20分钟至白果熟软, 待用(保留糖水)
3) 把材料3放入大锅内, 大火煮开, 以中小火煮至薏米熟软
4) 加入白果糖水和腐竹煮5分钟, 试味, 若喜欢甜些, 可再加冰糖

Gingko Barley Dessert
Ingredients A:
Gingko nut: 400g (with shell)

Ingredients B
Water: 350g
Rock sugar : 100g
Pandan Leaf : 4 pcs

Ingredients C
Barley : 100g
Water : 1 - 2 litres (own judgment )
Pandan Leaf : 4 pcs

Ingredients D
Dried Beancurd skin : 75g (break into small pieces)

1) Break ginko nuts shell, soak and remove skin. Use a toothpick to pierce through and remove the core
2) Cook ginko nuts with Ingredients B over medium heat for 20min. till cooked and softened, set aside (with the water)
3) Boil Ingredients C, reduce heat, cook till barley is softened
4) Add in ginko nuts (together with water) and bean curd skin, cook for 5min, taste and serve.

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