
紫色蕃薯打南糕 Purple Sweet Potato Kuih Talam



150克 蕃薯(紫紅色)

200克 粘米粉, 100克 木薯粉, 10克 沙谷粉, 300毫升 濃椰漿, 100毫

220克 細砂糖, 1/2小匙 鹽, 300毫升 清水, 5片 班蘭葉∕香蘭葉


1. 將蕃薯去皮,切丁,以大火蒸熟,盛起備用。

2. 準備糖水:把糖水材料煮沸,煮至糖溶化,待用。

3. 將所有粉漿材料拌勻,加入糖水,過濾,取出400克麵糊備用。

4. 把其餘的麵糊用平底鍋以中火攪煮至微濃稠,加入蒸熟的蕃薯拌勻。

5. 先把半份(200克)白色麵糊倒入一個已鋪了臘紙的8吋圓形蒸盤裡,盛入預熱蒸爐,蓋上,以大火蒸5分鐘。

6. 把蕃薯麵糊倒在做法(5)上面,鋪平,繼續蒸10分鐘。

7. 然後再加入剩下的半份白色麵糊,蓋上,以中火蒸20-25分鐘至熟,盛起,冷卻後切塊食用。

Purple Sweet Potato Kuih Talam

150g sweet potatoes (purple colour)

Batter Ingredients
200g rice flour, 100g tapioca flour, 10g sago flour ,300ml thick coconut
milk, 100ml water

220g caster sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 300ml water, 5 blades pandan leaf


1. Peel sweet potatoes, cut into cubes. Steam over high heat till cooked and tender.

2. To make syrup, cook sugar, salt with water and pandan leaves until sugar is well dissolves, remove from heat, set aside.

3. Combine all batter ingredients, add in syrup, strain. Split out batter mixture of 400g as original white batter, set aside.

4. Cook the rest of remaining batter in a non-stick pan over medium heat until begins to thicken. Add in cooked sweet potatoes, mix well.

5. Pour 1/2 portion of the white batter(200g) in a greased 8 inches round cake tin lined with plastic sheet. Covered and steam over
high heat for 5 minutes.

6. Pour sweet potato batter mixture onto no.(5), level the surface. Steam for further 10 minutes.

7. Then, pour in the remaining white batter. Covered and steam over medium heat for 20-25 minutes till cooked. Remove from heat,
leave to cool, cut and serve.

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