

咖椰糯米饭 (Seri Muka)
1个9"x 3"圆形蒸盘,涂油

下层材料 (白色糯米饭)
糯米 : 300g (洗净, 浸水4小时, 滤干)
(glutinous rice)
稀椰浆 : 180g
盐 : 1 tsp.
香兰叶 : 4片

1. 把滤干的糯米放进已涂上油的蒸盘里
2. 加入稀椰浆, 盐, 拌均匀
4.大火蒸15分钟后,打开锅盖,取出香兰叶, 用筷子把糯米饭翻松,

上层材料 (青色咖椰)
浓椰浆 : 400g
细砂糖 : 220g
全蛋 : 2粒
香兰叶汁 : 2 tbsp
玉米粉 : 30g
面粉 : 15g
盐 : ½ tsp

1. 把浓椰浆, 细砂糖, 全蛋, 香兰叶汁, 放进钢盆里,
2. 加入玉米粉, 面粉, 盐, 混合均匀, 过滤,倒进锅内
3. 以中小火不停搅煮至半熟(糊状) 然后倒进已蒸熟的糯米饭上,
4. 中小火蒸20分钟,取出,待冷


Seri Muka

Bottom layer :
Glutinous rice : 300g (washed, soaked for 4 hours and drained)
Coconut milk : 180g (½coconut, squeezed 180g coconut milk)
Salt : 1 tsp
Pandan leaves : 4 pieces

Method :
1. Put Glutinous rice into a 22cm steaming tray
2. Add in Coconut milk, Salt, and mix well
3. Place the pandan leaves on top
4. Steam with high heat about 15 mins, discard pandan leaves, fluff up rice and press with table spoon until firm
5. steam for another 15 mins

Top layer :
Thick coconut milk : 400g (1coconut, squeezed 400g coconut milk)
Sugar : 220g
Egg : 2
Pandan juice : 2 tbsp (used 5 pandan leaves)
Corn flour : 30g
Plain flour : 15g
Salt : ½ tsp

Method :
1. Stir thick coconut milk, sugar, egg and pandan juice lightly until sugar dissolved
2. Add in Corn flour, Plain flour, salt, mix well and strain into a saucepan cook with low fire and stir until thick, pour into the bottom layer
3. Steam with medium low heat about 20 mins
4. Remove and leave to cool before cutting into pieces

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