180克 蛋糕預拌粉,3個 雞蛋,45毫升 牛奶,1小匙 香草精,
45克 牛油(溶化)
200克 鮮奶油(打起),100克 藍莓餡料,100克 芒果丁
2個 芒果(切片),2大匙 果凍膠,2大匙 脆粟米粒,草莓,
1. 蛋糕:預熱烤箱180℃;將一個18公分(7寸)烘盤底部鋪上油紙備用。
2. 將蛋糕預拌粉、雞蛋和牛奶放入攪拌機裡,以高速打發成鬆白;轉以慢速拌入香草精,再拌入溶化牛油,攪拌均勻。
3. 把麵糊倒入烘盤裡,鋪平,盛入烤箱烘約30分鐘。取出蛋糕待冷卻,切成三片。
4. 將蛋糕塗上一層薄薄的鮮奶油,再塗上藍莓餡料和鋪上芒果丁,鋪上蛋糕;繼續完成第二層,中央呈現高凸狀。
5. 把蛋糕邊緣削去部份,呈半圓形,鋪上一層薄薄的奶油,然後以切成薄片的芒果整齊的鋪上,冷藏片刻。
6. 將果凍膠調稀後塗抹在芒果上,灑一些粟米脆粒在邊外,以草莓、藍莓和薄荷葉裝飾。
Sponge ingredients
180g sponge mix, 3 eggs, 45ml milk, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 45g butter
200g fresh cream (whipped), 100g blueberry filling, 100g mango dices
2 mangoes (sliced), 2 tbsp decorgel, 2 tbsp croquant, strawberry,
blueberries, mint leaves
1. To make sponge cake, preheat oven to 180℃; line bottom of a 18cm(7-in) cake tin with greaseproof paper.
2. Beat sponge mix, eggs and milk in a mixer with high speed until light and fluffy. Turn to low speed, mix in essence and fold in
melted butter until well blended.
3. Spread batter into prepared tin and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool completely. Split into 3 layers.
4. Spread whipped cream onto a slice of cake, follow with blueberry filling and sprinkle with mango dices. Continue layering until finished.
5. Pare the edge of cake to form a semi-circular shape. Spread whipped cream over the cake. Lay the mango slices on top tidy.
Refrigerate for a while.
6. Glaze the decorgel over the cake. Sprinkle some croquant on the sides. Decorate with strawberry, bluberries and mint leaves.
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