
家鄉釀魚 Stuffed Fish In Country Style

1條(約800克) 馬鮫魚

【材料B (剁碎)】
6朵 香菇(泡軟),6粒 馬蹄,2條 紅辣椒,1/2條 紅蘿蔔, 1棵 香芹,
1棵 芫荽,1棵 青蔥

1 1/2小匙 鹽,1/2大匙 糖,1大匙 薯粉,1/4小匙 麻油,
1/4小匙 胡椒粉
1個 雞蛋(打散),適量 薯粉


1. 用刀子從魚肚切開到尾端,頭尾保持連接。把魚骨去除,再將魚肉刮出,備用。

2. 把魚肉加入調味料一起以攪拌機搗爛,打起膠質,然後加上所有材料(B),拌均勻。

3. 把混合魚膠肉釀在魚皮上,並做成魚的原狀,然後盛入預熱蒸爐以大火蒸15分鐘至熟,取出,待冷卻。

4. 把蒸好的釀魚沾上蛋液,再鋪上薯粉,放入熱油裡以大火炸呈金黃香脆,撈起,切片食用。

Ingredients (A)
1 no (about 800g) Mackeral fish

Ingredients (B): Chopped
6 Chinese mushrooms (soaked), 6 water chestnuts , 2 red chillies,
1/2 no carrot, 1 stalk continental parsley, 1 stalk coriander,
1 stalk spring onion

1 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp tapioca flour, 1/4 tsp sesame oil,
1/4 tsp pepper

1 no egg (beaten), some tapioca flour


1. Slit open the fish belly from head to tail, using a sharp knife, but leaving the head and tail still firmly attached. Remove the bone away from
the flesh, then scrape out the flesh, keep aside.

2. Mix fish flesh with seasoning, pound in a food processor until finely paste and sticky. Next, add in all ingredients B, mix well.

3. Stuff fish paste mixture in the cavity of the fish body. Next, steam in the preheated steamer over high heat for 15 minutes until cooked.
Remove from heat and leave to cool.

4. Dip the steamed stuffed fish with beaten egg, then coat with tapioca flour. Deep-fry in the hot oil over high heat until golden in colour and
crispy. Dish up, cut into slices and serve.

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